We just got an amazing offer...
Huggies has just offered to donate 109,024 diapers to Bottoms Up!
These will be in various sizes (sizes 1 - 7) and all we have to do is come up with a $3,000 "administrative fee" to take advantage of this incredible offer.
Just to give you a perspective, we usually pay an average of aboput 18 cents per diaper through our normal volume suppliers.
These diapers, taking into account the administrative fee will cost 2.8 cents apiece.
It's an offer we can't refuse, assuming we can come up with the $3,000.
Can you please donate today to give us the money to accept this offer? We have to move quickly to let Huggies know we'll accept.
Just click HERE to help make this offer possible.
May God bless you!
Jo Welsh, President
Bottoms Up Diaper Bank