Dear Folks,
Last week, I got an email from a woman from Brisbane, Australia. Neither Tim nor I can figure out how this woman found us, but we just assign it to what we’ve grown accustomed to calling “the miracle of the week”.
In her note, this woman (who works for a company that manufactures diapers, baby wipes, feminine products, and adult incontinent products) told me that her company would like to donate 27 pallets of baby wipes. All we have to do is get them from Las Vegas to Columbus.
That’s an entire semi-trailer load of baby wipes!
To give you an idea, we’ve been spending about $2,000 a month on baby wipes and this number of wipes will likely last us more than a year.
The point is, even though this enormous amount of wipes is free to us, there is a cost in getting them from Las Vegas. As of now, the estimate is $4,200. (There may be some cost savings, but we have to plan for that amount.)
Can you help us fund this amazing opportunity?
If you can, you’ll be making a long-lasting investment in helping the families we serve. I can’t thank you enough for that.
Please help with this incredible offer.
As always, if you’d like to become one of our monthly supporters, I’d love it.
And if you’d prefer to send a check today, just mail it to Bottoms Up, 625 Garfield Avenue, Suite B, Lancaster Ohio 43130.
Whatever you decide, please contribute today.
Thanks so much!
Jo Welsh, President
Bottoms Up Diaper Bank